Spray Foam

By far the most entertaining of the insulations. Spray foam is a mixture of two chemicals. The mixture happens at the gun, so the insulation is actually being manufactured on site. Both chemicals are heated and forced through high pressure hoses. It is a rather finicky product, as it can only be applied at certain temperatures (warmer is better). When installed, no one is allowed on site unless they have on proper PPE.

Spray foam is becoming one of the most popular methods of insulating homes, but there is more to consider than just spraying it in and moving on. A foam insulated house that doesn’t have proper moisture control or ventilation could cause significant issues, including safety issues. Always rely on building science when considering the components needed to effectively insulate your house with spray foam.

Pros: Both air seals and insulates at the same time. Has very high Rvalue.

Cons: Most expensive. Have to evacuate home during application, and for 24 hours after.